What Are Twitter Lists & Why Use Them?

Posted On: August 09, 2011


Twitter lists are a great tool however, many Twitter users do not use Twitter lists. This short article covers some of the best reasons why using lists can benefit you on Twitter. Once you have reached a large amount of followers, lists become your best friend.


It’s Easy to Organize Your Followers 

Twitter lists help you do this in many ways. You can create lists that organize them by their location, what they tweet about, the industry they are in, the people you chat with most etc. That way you can easily see what each group is tweeting about at any given time.


Secret Twitter Lists

If you want to have a secret list that no one else can see but you, make your list private. You can also read tweets of people who you are not following by simply adding them to a list.


Follow Other’s Lists

If you don’t have the time to find a great list of your own, Twitter allows you to follow other lists. This way some of the work is done for you. This is especially helpful when looking for a particular subject matter. These lists will often expose you to new blogs and websites that you had not previously heard of.


Listorious is a Websites Dedicated to Twitter Lists! 

Listorious.com is a great way to search for a particular list that you may want to follow. It allows you to track and add your own lists as well and it’s worth checking out. Listorious also showcases prominent lists on twitter. For example: 140 Most Listed People on Twitter List, 140 Most Followed people on Twitter List and 140 to name a few. You can search Listorious by subject matter to find the list you are looking for.


For more information on Twitter lists such as how to create them, add or remove people from them and delete them visit Twitter Help Center